Our Therapy Clinic

Book an appointment with one of our clinicians for a private session.

About LCAP

Therapy & Coaching

More than three-quarters of people who had therapy are better off than those who didn’t. The overall effect size of therapy is larger than the success rate for flu vaccines and heart surgery.

Large scale studies of coaching find that it has a similar effect size.

Our team of clinicians offer help informed by the most recent research, to relieve distress, improve your life, and achieve your potential.

We are trained in a range of psychological therapies (for example, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, attachment theory, couples-counselling and executive and performance coaching) which will offer you an evidence-based approach specific to you and your needs.

Find out more - and book a session now - by clicking on the name of one of our clinicians below. You’ll also find more information about them, their fees and their availability.

our clinicians

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Graham Johnston

UKCP clinician, MBA

Graham Johnston is a psychotherapist and educator. He was Director of Policy at The Bowlby Centre, the UK’s leading training institution in attachment-based psychotherapy. Prior to training as a therapist, he spent two decades as an adviser and operational lead for the UK Government, specialising in home affairs. He has studied in the U.S., and completed an MBA at Imperial College, London. He is Co-Founder and Director of LCAP.

Matt Wotton

MBACP clinician, MBA

Matt Wotton is a psychotherapist and executive coach. He was Chair of The Bowlby Centre, the UK’s leading training institution in attachment-based psychotherapy. He has over two decades of experience in forensic mental health in the criminal justice system - in operations, coaching leaders, and advising ministers. He led the review of Race in the Criminal Justice System (The Lammy Review), commissioned by the Prime Minister, and has been a member of the Prison & Probation Board. Matt has studied at the London Business School and has an MBA from Warwick University. He is Co-Founder and Director of LCAP.